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Ways Property Owners Can Deliver Accessible Experiences for People with Disabilities

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Accessible hospitality properties for people with disabilities

Hospitality properties such as vacation rentals, hotels, restaurants and resorts have a unique responsibility to cater to an ample and diverse clientele. Making spaces accessible for people with disabilities is a crucial step for all kinds of real estate companies and property owners to enhance guest experience and show dedication towards inclusivity. Below, we’ve compiled a few examples of actions that can be adopted seamlessly into our guest experience.

Clear Pathways

Doorways: In order to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility aids, the minimum measure of a doorway is generally 90cm. But it’s also important to take into consideration that the doors should be easy to open and with accessible handles.

Furniture arrangement: Guests with mobility challenges should have ample space to move around. Before they arrive, it’s essential to arrange the furniture in the property in a way that doesn’t obstruct clear pathways.

Accessible electrical outlets: Sockets tend to be hidden behind heavy furniture to maintain a clean environment within the property, but when hosting a person with disability, it’s best to keep electrical outlets within reach and free from any clutter.

Accessible Furniture

Adaptable Countertop and Shelves: Providing adjustable options or lower sections for countertops and shelves will make these features accessible for guests using wheelchairs and enhance their overall experience.

Tableware: Remember to place tableware and condiments in locations that are easy to reach for everyone, including guests with mobility limitations. Avoid high shelves or cabinets that could be challenging to access.

Olala Go Madrid Apartment's Accessible Bathroom
Olala Color Apartment's Accessible Bathroom

Accessible Restrooms

Grab bars and handrails: Installing sturdy grab bars and handrails provides crucial support for guests with mobility difficulties. These should be strategically placed near toilets, sinks and in the shower area if applicable.

Accessible fixtures: sinks, toilets and mirrors should be placed in a way that are easy to access and have enough space around them for easy maneuvering.

Accessible Parking:

Designated accessible parking: If there’s parking available at your accommodation, it should be clearly marked and conveniently located near the entrances to reduce the distance guests with disabilities need to travel to reach the property.

Proper signage: Ensure proper signage for accessible parking spaces, including the international symbol of accessibility. Additionally, consider providing information about the availability of accessible spaces on your website and during the booking process.

Making hospitality accessible is a great opportunity for catering to a broad and more diverse clientele. Ensuring your vacation property is accessible is a great step towards ensuring that everyone can enjoy the warmth of hospitality regardless of their abilities.

Olala Homes is actively expanding its property portfolio. Should you need to discuss our opportunities of transforming your hospitality assets into modern and digital concepts, please send your inquiry.

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